From Amadeo de Saboya to Beatriz Ximénez Cerdán: the pendant relicary of the The Holy Spirit donated to the Pilar jeweler by the countess of Contamina and marquisa of Bárboles (1695)
jewels, devotion, relics, V&A Museum, gold, enamel, diamondsAbstract
The location of the testament of Beatriz Ximénez Cerdán has allowed us to identify the noble aragonese lady who donated, in 1695, a reliquary pendant in the shape of The Holy Spirit to the treasury of the Virgen of The Pillar. The Pillarist documents just only mentioned the donation of the jewel by the testamentary executors of the marquise of Bárboles. This jewel was mistaken for an eagle and it has been considered a donation of the King Amadeo of Savoy. Over the centuries, the window of the virile was lost, where there were some devotional paintings, which would have allowed us to make to most of in its deep symbolic meaning. At the present time, it is still preserved in the Museo of The Pillar.
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